Blue Bird Group Buka Lowongan Kerja – Dotnet Developer

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Minggu, 15 Oktober 2023 - 06:11 WIB

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PT Blue Bird Tbk Buka Lowongan Frontend Developer, Segera Daftar! (Net)

PT Blue Bird Tbk Buka Lowongan Frontend Developer, Segera Daftar! (Net)—Blue Bird Group, perusahaan transportasi terbesar di Indonesia, membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi Dotne Developer.

Lowongan ini terbuka bagi lulusan sarjana di bidang Ilmu Komputer atau bidang terkait dengan pengalaman minimal 4 tahun menggunakan .NET Core.

Bagi kamu yang memenuhi kualifikasi dan mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi silahkan bergabung. Berikut posisi dan kualifikasinya :

Dotnet Developer

    • As part of our effort to continue our digital transformation, and to implement our initiatives to meet customer needs, develop new capabilities, ensure new critical infrastructure, and participate in new industry ecosystem PT Bluebird Tbk is looking for a new Senior Backend Dotnet Developer.

What Will You Do :

    • Design, develop, maintain, test, and analyze the software programs, applications, and reports
    • Design and document software specifications throughout the product life cycle
    • Create API exposing REST, gRPC
    • Develop microservices using .NET Core
    • Working technical knowledge of programming languages including .net (c#), .NET Core, aspx, asmx
    • Compile and analyze data, processes, and codes to troubleshoot problems and identify areas for improvement

What You Need :

    • Bachelor degree in Computer Science or related fields
    • Min. 4 years experience using .NET Core
    • Good knowledge in .NET programing language & has experience in designing & develop GUI, backend services & API.
    • Min. 1 year experience using SQL database, preferably MS SQL, MySQL
    • Able to write clean, efficient & maintainable code
    • Love to code
    • Keen to keep learning for new knowledge
    • Good problem solver
    • Good debugging skill

Why BlueBird Group?

    • We have more than 25,000 fleets, from taxi, rental car, corporate car, rental bus, airport bus, school bus to logistics around Indonesia
    • We have more than 150 developers that split into multi product squads (cross-functional team), and we keep increasing
    • We always innovate our MyBlueBird app, DriverApp, BirdKirim, Corporate app, Taxi Operation, etc
    • Our IT culture also always be together, openness, humble, and hungry for learning, and we need these for agility
    • We think, mistake is needed to be successful. So, always dare to improve
Baca Juga :  Buruan Daftar! PT Ultra Sakti Buka Lowongan Administrator

Cara Mendaftar :

Jika tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran di bawah ini.


Harap hati-hati dengan segala bentuk jenis penipuan lowongan kerja. Proses seleksi tidak memungut biaya dalam bentuk apapun.


Silahkan bergabung di Grup Telegram untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru

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