SeaBank Buka Lowongan, Ayo Daftar Sekarang!

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Minggu, 12 November 2023 - 07:47 WIB

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SeaBank Buka Lowongan, Ayo Daftar Sekarang! (Net)

SeaBank Buka Lowongan, Ayo Daftar Sekarang! (Net)—PT Bank Seabank Indonesia atau SeaBank adalah aplikasi perbankan digital, mulai dari menabung hingga bertransaksi, melalui handphone kapan pun dan di mana pun.

Saat ini SeaBank kembali membuka lowongan kerja untuk posisi yang dibutuhkan. Bagi kamu yang memenuhi kualifikasi dan mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi silahkan bergabung. Berikut posisi dan kualifikasinya :

Bagi kamu yang memenuhi kualifikasi dan mempunyai dedikasi yang tinggi silahkan bergabung. Berikut kualifikasinya :

Facility Management, People, SeaBank

Job Description :

    • Escalating or reporting on all things related to facilities/facilities & infrastructure to the leadership or related work units to maintain employee comfort
    • Carry out inspection and management office assets (AC, CCTV, printer, banking equipment, renovation, phone, electricity, etc.) periodically to ensure assets in good condition and usable
    • Collaborate with Procurement for search, review, and select vendors outsourcing as qualified, for find potential for future collaboration front
    • Become a liaison to outsourcing vendors, to ensure employee fulfillment of vendors as needed
    • Propose and engage in implementation delete asset book (non-IT) to help Finance in recording and documentation assets that are no used/aged
    • Compile, review periodically, and updating Business Continuity Plan (BCP) in Business Continuity Management (BCM) to ensure the availability of plans protection of business processes from natural/human events/disasters that can threaten business continuity and ensure that all plans are drawn up keep abreast of the latest developments
    • Promote and provide refreshment related to Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) together with Risk Management to Floor Warden and Muster Warden for inform duties and responsibilities they are in an emergency, accordingly with the plans that have been drawn up
    • Compile all related report data office facilities (costs, damages, vendors) to determine the follow-up of the parties company
    • Reporting tax obligations on vehicles and advertisement to Finance to use ensure accurate tax payments and done in a timely manner
    • Coordinate with related users/requesters office facilities, to ensure coordination effective and timely as well as team work good in facility maintenance office
Baca Juga :  419 Petani Padang Panjang Terdampak Erupsi Marapi Terima Bansos

Requirements :

    • Bachelor’s Degree in any major
    • Minimum 3 (three) years work experience in the field of facility management/general affairs
    • Have an understanding of asset management and building/facility management
    • Well-versed in technical/engineering operations and facilities management best practices

Cara Mendaftar :

Jika tertarik dan memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan melakukan pendaftaran di bawah ini.


Harap hati-hati dengan segala bentuk jenis penipuan lowongan kerja. Proses seleksi tidak memungut biaya dalam bentuk apapun.



Silahkan bergabung di Grup Telegram untuk mendapatkan informasi terbaru.

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