Wednesday Addams Musim Pertama | Teaser Resmi | Netflix

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Rabu, 29 Maret 2023 - 05:10 WIB

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“Wednesday” follows a teenage Wednesday Addams as she navigates life as a student at Nevermore Academy, a supernatural school in New England. Despite her gloomy and mysterious demeanor, Wednesday is determined to solve a supernatural mystery that threatens to unravel the entire school. Along the way, she forms unexpected alliances with fellow students and clashes with the school’s headmistress, who has a hidden agenda of her own.

The series is produced by Tim Burton and stars Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams, alongside Catherine Zeta-Jones as the headmistress and Luis Guzmán as Gomez Addams. It promises to be a dark and humorous coming-of-age tale, with plenty of supernatural twists and turns.

As the daughter of the famously eccentric Addams family, Wednesday is no stranger to the bizarre and macabre. But as she sets out to uncover the truth behind the supernatural occurrences at Nevermore Academy, she finds herself confronting her own inner demons and coming to terms with her unique abilities.

With its iconic characters and quirky humor, “Wednesday” is sure to be a hit with fans of the Addams Family franchise and anyone who loves a good supernatural mystery. The series is set to premiere on Netflix in the near future.

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